2018 was a banner year for young adult books. According to our staff, these titles, including three graphic novels, are the best of the best. See 2018 Staff Picks for Children’s Books, Adult Fiction, and Adult Nonfiction.
Staff Picks 2018: Best Children’s Books
We’re excited to announce our Staff Picks for 2018! For the past four years, we’ve asked staff to recommend their favorite books published in the calendar year. Here are the children’s books they loved most in 2018. Staff Picks for young adults and adults will be published over the next week. If you are looking […]
Business Resources to Help You Succeed
Looking for some great business resources in print, e-format, and video? Below are some free resources to get you started. All you need is your Bucks County Free Library card and a PIN.
New Adult Education Programs This Fall
This fall, we are rolling out a series of adult education programs aimed at helping you learn and engage with a variety of important topics. Because at Bucks County Free Library, we believe learning is a lifelong pursuit!
It’s Great to Have Friends …
… And not just on Facebook. For at least 150 years, across America, public libraries have sustained through the efforts of their communities. In many cases, these communities formed Friends groups, separate 501(c)(3) organizations consisting of volunteers who serve as community ambassadors and assist in raising funds to further their library’s mission. At Bucks County […]
How Lucky Can You Get?
Now you can borrow Lucky Day books for THREE weeks with one renewal. Look for the Lucky Day display at your branch, featuring the hottest books — all available now, first come, first served, with no holds. If you see a book with a green Lucky Day sticker, check it out, because it really is your […]
Say Hello to cloudLibrary
Your Bucks County Free Library card is the ticket to this new, easy to use ebook and e-audiobook service. You can use cloudLibrary on many devices, including:
Welcome to Our New Website
Welcome to our new website. Our aim was to make it easier for you to find what you’re looking for – and with new content, improved navigation and a clean design, we think you’ll agree that we’ve achieved that.
New Toys for Summer
Get ready for summer fun with these toys, new to our catalog. Rain or shine, these puzzles, games, activity sets, and musical instruments will keeps kids
Now Open: The Backyard at the Doylestown Branch
On Monday, April 30, the Doylestown Branch proudly opened its (back) doors to reveal The Backyard: a brand new, outdoor extension of the library.