Make learning fun with our vast selection of kids and teen eMagazines on Flipster. This digital collection is packed with information and activities that are sure to engage curious young minds and help inspire kids and teens to learn and make sense of the world around them.
Experience this fall season and the great outdoors with exciting and educational adventures about wildlife and nature in Animal Tales, Boys’ Life, National Geographic Kids, and Ranger Rick.
From science projects to puzzles, riddles, crafts and other fun games, Highlights magazine provides younger readers with content meant to stimulate creativity and critical thinking skills. In every issue, kids explore new topics, investigate cool subjects, and build essential skills needed for learning in school.
For imaginative readers, Cricket offers contemporary stories and classic literature from the world’s best writers, pairing text with beautiful illustrations. Each issue includes a story, poetry, or art contest, as well as the signature cast of rambunctious bug characters who offer humorous commentary on the stories.
Girls’ Life features expert advice for teens and tweens on all the important stuff (like school, friendship, family and crushes) plus fab fashion inspiration, skincare and beauty tips, hair ideas, pro-fitness advice, recipes, craft and party DIYs, celeb interviews and more.
For sports fans, check out Sports Illustrated Kids, which provides a kid-first perspective of sports, news, scores, games, photos, and an expert analysis of professional sports organizations like the NFL, NHL, MLB, and more!
With Flipster, you get instant access to the magazines you know and love in digital format. With a library card, read them for free on a computer or by using the app on a mobile device: Flipster App for Android; Flipster App in the App Store. Have your kids start reading one today and let the adventures begin!
— Kathleen L., Collection Management Librarian