Here are our picks for the best adult non-fiction books of 2016. We published a list of our favorite adult fiction books earlier this week.
Staff Picks 2016: Best Adult Fiction
For the second year, we’ve compiled our own Best Books of the Year lists. Here are the adult fiction books we enjoyed most;
Books for the Kids on Your Holiday Gift List
Looking for book recommendations for the kids on your holiday shopping list? We suggest these titles.
Happy 60th Anniversary to Us!
It’s our anniversary! The Bucks County Free Library turned 60 on October 16, and we’re celebrating!
Announcing Our Build-A-Biz Contest Winners
Congratulations to the winners of our Build-A-Biz contest. Winners were announced at a celebration that took place at our Yardley-Makefield Branch.
Teaching Digital Skills. Solving Tech Problems.
A recent Pew Center Report on libraries reveals that 80% of Americans believe libraries should teach people digital skills. We already do that!
Thank You to the Friends of the Levittown Library
We’re thrilled to say “Thank You” to the Friends of the Levittown Library for their generous donation of $20,000. These dedicated volunteers raised
Read and Earn Badges with Everyday Reading
Everyday Reading is our online, year-round reading program for kids, ages 5-14. Kids earn digital badges, and real cloth patches, by completing
The Village is Open!
#PennsLittleVillage at our Langhorne Branch is #BucksCountyFreeLibrary’s first-ever dedicated pre-school-sized early learning town.
Document Scan Stations Update
Effective August 1, faxes sent from document scan stations in our branches will cost $0.25 per page.