This year’s Science in the Summer program is “The Science of Me.” This program invites children to explore various biological systems and how humans are alike and different from one another. Kids who are excited by this subject and want to learn more will enjoy reading these books:
- Blood Evidence by Amy Kortuem
- Brain Lab for Kids: 52 Mind-Blowing Experiments, Models and Activities to Explore Neuroscience by Eric H. Chudler
- Chef Gino’s Taste Test Challenge: 100+ Winning Recipes That Any Kid Can Cook by Gino Campagna
- Digital Forensics by Valerie Bodden
- DNA, Genes, and Chromosomes by Mason Anders
- Double Helix: How an Image Sparked the Discovery of the Secret of Life by Danielle Smith-Llera
- Food Fight! A Mouthwatering History of Who Ate What and Why Through the Ages with 30 Recipes by Tanya Steel
- Heredity by Mason Anders
- Human Body: A Visual Encyclopedia by Richard Walker
- I Eat Well by Martha E. H. Rustad
- Identification by Valerie Bodden
- Kids Cook! 100+ Super-Easy, Delicious Recipes by Susan Westmoreland
- Lab Analysis by Valerie Bodden
- Me and My Amazing Body by Joan Sweeney
- Power Up by Seth Fishman
- The Boy’s Body Book by Kelli Dunham, R.N.
- The Brain: The Ultimate Thinking Machine by Tory Woollcott
- The Girl’s Body Book by Kelli Dunham, R.N.
- Understanding Our Head by Lucy Beevor
- Why We Eat Healthy Foods by Rosalyn Clark
- Your Amazing Skin From Outside In by Joanne Settel, Ph.D.
- Your Circulatory System Works! by Flora Brett
- Your Digestive System Works! by Flora Brett
- Your Muscular System Works! by Flora Brett
- Your Nervous System Works! by Flora Brett
- Your Respiratory System Works! by Flora Brett
- Your Skeletal System Works! by Flora Brett
— Books recommended by Kathleen L., Collection Management Librarian
Photo: GSK Science in the Summer