Election Day takes place on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November each year. This year, it’s November 3.
On Election Day we cast our vote, or make our choice, on who we think should make the rules for America. We can cast our vote for our governors, senators, representatives, and even our President.
Once they have been elected, each of these people has a really big job to do. It takes plenty of smarts and skills to run our state and country. All of those elected people must also work together. While they may not see eye-to-eye on every issue, their goal is to do their best to help run our country. One thing we must remember is that the people we vote for work for, and with us, to make our country a better place.
I think one of the greatest ways to see our government working with us is to have them help us out. What better way to help out than to record a special Voting Storytime for us to watch and learn from!
Here we have Senator Maria Collett, Representative Perry S. Warren Jr., Representative Wendi Thomas, and Representative Wendy Ullman reading a variety of books about voting for you to enjoy!
— Shannon Collins., Youth Services Librarian