Music adds something special to every occasion. Our storytimes are no exception! We always begin and end with a song. Often, we look for ways to incorporate movement and music because it perfectly complements the books we read. I’ve compiled a list of our favorite movement songs for our storytimes. How many of them do you know?
“Shake Your Sillies Out” by Raffi
Raffi is one of our favorite musicians for children’s music. His upbeat and positive music is available for you to stream or download on Hoopla. This movement song is great for having your little one “shake, clap, and jump” all their sillies and wiggles out!
“Scarf Dance 2” by Charity and the Jamband
Scarf play is a regular feature in many of our storytimes because it is so versatile. You can play “peek-a-boo” or throw your scarf into the air like popcorn popping! This song invites you to dance with your scarf. How high or low can you go?
“Milkshake Song” by Old Town School of Folk Music, WiggleWorms
Some days you just need to shake or maybe you’re just craving a milkshake! This simple song appeals to toddlers through preschool because it’s easy to learn. Children will enjoy making their pretend milkshake by shaking it all up. Give it a try!
“Our Arms Go Up and Down” sung to the tune of “The Farmer In the Dell”
For our baby storytimes, we know that even our littlest library patrons need movement too! Here is a great action song for caregivers to act out with their baby. Just follow the lyrics of the song for a simple movement exercise!
Our arms go up and down,
Our arms go up and down,
Hi ho the derry-o,
Our arms go up and down.
Other Verses:
Our feet go back and forth…
Our head goes side to side…
We all go round and round…
We all jump up and down…
“See the Little Bunnies Sleeping”
No movement song list would be complete without this favorite! Our toddlers and preschoolers love to act as the bunnies sleeping and then waking up to hop around. Use this movement song on the go whenever you have a minute to spare. It’s easy to learn and can be adapted for other animals, too. Have you seen any crocodiles snapping or monkeys swinging?
“Shake! (Your Shaker Eggs)” by We Kids Rock
Egg shakers are wonderful to use with children of all ages. Their sound is pleasing to the ears, and they are simply fun to shake. This movement song has you shake your shaker all around, high to low and even on some body parts. Give it a try!
“Butterfly” by Laura Doherty
To close out our list, allow us to recommend a cool down movement song. This peaceful song is reminiscent of a lullaby but still uses movement to enhance the experience. In our storytimes, the children use their scarves or wrist ribbons to fly around the room as butterflies. Then, we all land back on the mat at the end and say goodbye!
I hope you’ve enjoyed listening and grooving to these classic movement songs. I look forward to seeing you make music and move to the beat in our storytimes soon!
— Songs recommended by Sharon F, Programming Assistant, Children’s Services