Lynne has rarely been without a book.
As an only child, she followed her parents’ example and became an avid reader at a young age. “Books have been a constant,” Lynne says. “I started when I was little and I’ve been reading my whole life.”
These days, Lynne turns to Bucks County Free Library for a steady stream of audiobooks.
She particularly likes historical fiction and non-fiction books about American and European history. If it’s been written about World War II or the Holocaust, there’s a good chance Lynne has read it.
“Everyone has different needs, but I’m a strong advocate of reading,” Lynne says. “I believe in libraries, and I believe in reading.”
DonateLet’s keep Bucks County reading! During Bucks for Books, every $20 donation adds a new book to Bucks County Free Library’s collection of e-books and audiobooks.