As of September 1, Hoopla borrows will be limited to 4 per month.
We are aware that this change will disappoint some of you. The library did not make this decision lightly. Unfortunately, the huge jump in downloads since the start of the pandemic has driven up costs, especially for Hoopla, where the library pays for each checkout. While we want to continue to offer the best service possible, we can no longer afford to allow each patron 10 Hoopla borrows per month.
In making this decision, the library examined the lending policies of other libraries and carefully examined Hoopla usage data. We learned that approximately 2/3 of our Hoopla users already use 4 or fewer borrows per month, and many libraries our size have a similar limit. We believe this change will help us to use our limited resources fairly to serve everyone.
Keep an eye out for “Bonus Borrows” from Hoopla. This program is offered every few months and allows you to borrow a selection of “bonus” titles that don’t count toward your monthly limit. Also explore our cloudLibrary collection of eBooks and eAudiobooks. Checkout and hold limits in cloudLibrary are currently expected to remain the same, 10 of each at any given time. We appreciate your patience as the same explosion of popularity has made wait times longer for popular titles.