Fines and fees can be paid at the library or online through My Account.
Daily fines:
- Books and magazines: 25 cents per day
- Videos and games: $1 per day
The maximum fine for overdue books, videos, and games is $5, no matter how many days overdue. The maximum fine for overdue magazines is $2.
For lost or damaged material, Bucks County Free Library charges the list price at the time the library purchased the item. This dollar amount is part of the record in the library catalog. If an item is overdue when it is reported lost or determined to be damaged, overdue fines are waived once the item is paid for.
Borrowers with accrued fines and fees of $20 or higher are blocked from checkout and computer use. The Bucks County Free Library and selected member libraries use material recovery agencies to manage delinquent accounts. Any account with fines or fees of $25 or higher are forwarded to a material recovery agency after 45 days of failure to pay fines or return materials. A non-negotiable $12 fee is charged to the borrower.