Suggest a purchase when you want a book published in the last 2 years that the library doesn’t own. Use Interlibrary Loan for books older than 2 years or academic books of any age that are not intended for the general public.
How to suggest a physical item for purchase
The library encourages you to suggest items for our collection. Please use this form to request that we purchase items we don’t already own. To help us process your request quickly, please include as much information as possible. You will need a library card in good standing. Suggestions are limited to 2 per month. These […]
How to suggest an eBook or e-Audiobook for purchase
To request an eBook or e-Audiobook that is not in our collection please login to cloudLibrary via the app or browser with your library card number and PIN. Suggestions are limited to 2 per month. In the app: Click on Search, in the top right of the app click on the filter icon Tap Suggestions for […]
How to request an Interlibrary Loan
If the item you are looking for is not in our collection and does not fall into our purchase suggestion guidelines you can request an interlibrary loan (ILL) through the form below. Only print material can be requested through ILL. ILL items can be checked out for 2 weeks. Users can have 5 ILL items […]