Once you begin the application, you won’t be able to save it. Make sure you have complete information about your prior employment and education. This includes dates, names, addresses, and other contact information. You’ll be asked to verify that you can perform the essential duties of the job, so it’s important to review the job […]
Job Overview
Pre-Employment Testing
Depending on the job, you’ll be required to take between two and five tests, including customer service, computer and cognitive skills, and office software productivity tests. Testing takes about forty minutes to just over an hour. No preparation is required. A link to testing is included at the end of the job application. You can […]
The library interviews job candidates on a rolling basis as applications are received. You may be contacted up to six weeks after the application deadline. Because of high volume, the library contacts only the most qualified candidates. If you require special accommodations or have any questions, please e-mail libraryjobs@test.buckslib.org for instructions on how to proceed.